As soon as next week, the future of one of the upcoming two significant cricket events may be determined. The International Cricket Council will meet...
During the 2015-16 season, South Africa was 0-1 down in the 4-match home test series against England before playing at the Wanderers of Johannesburg. The...
A spike in Covid-19 cases in Victoria, Australia, has raised doubts about the Indian-Australian Boxing Day Test being held in its capital, Melbourne, from December...
Different tours have been cancelled because of bilateral relations between two nations or cricket boards. One example was the 2009 tour of England to Zimbabwe...
The Pakistan Cricket Board (PCB) announced that three players had tested positive for Coronavirus before next month's England tour of the team. The PCB said...
Rashid Khan has claims to the best teenage cricketing of his time. Rashid made his one-day international debut against Zimbabwe in Afghanistan in October 2015...