The Myth of India Lotto Numbers
A variety of factors are considered to reflect number 1: wealth; plenty; the inseparable family bond. The importance of the number is mostly due to its association with the much less desirable number 0, an association that begins with religion and leads to centuries of preserved social customs.
First of all, 0 is a sacred Hindu number, representing a formless entity, Nirguna Brahman, often considered a bridge between the worlds. As a consequence, 0 means an “end” to the corporal being that can have negative connotations for things like wealth and age. As a result, amounts of money given to deities often end in 1: ₹ 51 rather than ₹ 50, or ₹ 201 instead of ₹ 200. Such offerings are referred to as ‘shaguns’ or good blessings.
This tradition has also spilt over into secular and social relationships. Monetary gifts to others follow the same “shagun” rule for birthdays and special events, but with several different explanations. For some, spending or saving is a round sum of money, whereas the single rupee on top is considered a “seed” from which future wealth can flourish. The “shagun” is symbolic for others-giving a married couple some rupees ending in 1 symbolises their mutual, inseparable relationship.
How do these numbers help your chances at Lotto India? The “seed” that grows your Lotto India ticket into a ₹3.93 crore jackpot could protect you from missing out on a prize by avoiding choosing numbers that end in 0 while focusing on number 1.
The idea of an inseparable bond can also be applied to the number 13 above; it is a prime number, indivisible by any number other than itself, and the number 1. Interestingly, 13 is also the smallest ’emirp’ – a prime number which results in a different prime number when written backwards. 13 written back gives 31 in this case, which could be another useful number to consider when buying a Lotto India entry.