Players from 4 DPL Clubs Has Yet to Receive Salary
As many as four Dhaka Premier Division League Clubs confirmed not paying their players for the season this year, which was suspended after the first round of matches. The Bangladesh Cricket Board and the Dhaka Metropolis Cricket Committee postponed the tournaments on 16 March due to increasing concern regarding coronavirus cases in the region. The players of Brothers Union, Old DOHS, Shinepukur Sports Club and Sheik Jamal Dhanmondi Club have reported that they are receiving any pay. The Dhaka League, the country’s first 50-over cricket competition, had returned to its old mode of player exchanges and swept away the divisive players’ scheme of preference.
With the conventional method of player recruitment taking effect, most players earned between 30 and 40 percent of their respective wages in anticipation of the season. The situation, though, is not the same with Brothers, Old DOHS, Shinepukur and Sheik Jamal. As per the non-official salary system of typical teams, the allocation of wages to participants is rendered in three pieces – the first before the season, the second during the season and the third at the completion of the game. The norm has placed many cricketers in these four clubs in danger in the country’s unofficial lockout owing to the coronavirus pandemic. For many cricketers, the Dhaka League is the primary source of income for their livelihoods.
Brothers Union veteran cricketer Tushar Imran has told the reporter that only Junaid Siddique had got some payment before the players’ transfer ahead of the season beside him, no one else got paid. Sheikh Jamal Dhanmondi captain Nurul Hasan has claimed non-payments too. He mentioned that none of the cricketers has been paid and they have been informed that part of the payment will be made following the start of the season. They do not know when the league will begin again and Eid is approaching, most of them are struggling financially, he added. Cricket Committee of Dhaka Metropolis (CCDM) Member Secretary Ali Hossain told that they had been notified and that the appropriate action had been taken.
Ali Hossain Secretary of CCDM has been discussed with Chairman Kazi Inam Ahmed and they have spoken to Brothers Union Club and found out that few players have been paid. They have yet to find out the situation with other clubs. They will soon find out the details and will seek advice from their CEO, Nizamuddin Chowdhury. Crickets Welfare Association of Bangladesh (CWAB) Secretary Debabrata Paul told the association that he had been in touch with the board of directors and that the board should give a letter on the matter to the clubs. Debabrata mentioned that they have contact with CCDM chairman Inam bhai and others from the board over the issue. He was told that the board was in agreement with the clubs that 50 percent or more of the compensation would have to be paid in anticipation of the tournament. The board is expected to discuss the clubs on the topic early.