Experts exposed the key methods on how to make money in the e-sports gambling market
Regarding the phenomenon of the rapid growth of the e-sports gambling industry, Paul Brel, the director of Livestream communications of the e-sports gambling platform Loot.Bet, published his views on the industry. He said that the growth of numbers is not the only thing that investors need to remember when considering entering the field of e-sports gambling. There are huge differences between e-sports gambling players and traditional gambling players. Not only age differences represent certain differences, e-sports fans follow cutting-edge technology, are high mobility, and are closely related to the community. This group may be betting on its own knowledge and technology rather than relying on luck. For them, e-sports gambling is not only an interest, but also a way of life. This kind of description method cannot be applied to traditional sports gambling players.
As Paul Brel pointed out, if you want to attract new players to the e-sports platform, you need to adopt a modern and positive attitude. He added that they believe that the operators who understand this and try to target specific players, have the opportunity to succeed in the e-sports gambling market. Such information is very important for investors who want to catch up with the e-sports gambling boom. So, specifically, what method should operators use to attract young and enthusiastic e-sports betting groups? On the Loot.Bet platform, 78% of users are between 18 and 25 years old; on the other hand, only 1% are over 41 years old. Obviously, this is a betting product belonging to young people, and most of them are men. According to data from Loot.Bet, 94% of its users are male and only 6% are female.
It is worth noting that e-sports gambling players know quite well what they are betting on. This group of players may conduct more in-depth research before the game starts, usually they are confident in making the right choices, and explain in detail why the choice was made in a way that other bettors would not take. A report pointed out that 54% of e-sports gambling players pay attention to industry news, and 42% will absorb the latest e-sports knowledge through social media. Paul Breal has a bold assumption. Considering the above factors and the rapid expansion of e-sports audiences, it is a reasonable prediction that e-sports betting volume will catch up with traditional sports events in the next 10 to 20 years. Of course, whether his prediction is correct can only be left to time to verify. However, the number of bets on “Counter-Strike: Global Offensive” in 2019 increased by 15% compared with 2018; “League of Legends” and “Dota 2” also increased by 10% and 6% respectively.
Paul Brel also said in an interview with the media that they believe that the increase in the frequency and scale of e-sports gambling is related to several factors. First, e-sports gambling is becoming a mainstream activity, and more and more people are preparing to spend a lot of money on it. Secondly, e-sports audiences’ trust in gaming betting is increasing, and they are willing to take greater risks. With the development of the age, e-sports gambling players have also changed. Following them will certainly prove to pose a challenge to new companies entering the gambling market.