ECB: If the entire season is cancelled, English cricket could lose £380 million

ECB: If the entire season is cancelled, English cricket could lose £380 million

England and Wales Cricket Board(ECB) chief executive Tom Harrison said that if the entire season were cancelled because of the COVID-19 pandemic, English cricket could lose as much as 380 million pounds. 


The predicted loss takes into account both the international and domestic matches. Last week, the ECB had announced  the county season was suspended until July.

“We will try our best to reduce the impact, our capacity to relieve the potential budgetary affect does require us to undertake, where it’s secure to do so and with government bolster. We’re looking at this year’s £100 million loss, ” said Harrison.

He said the ECB has also come out with a relief plan of £61 million for the 18 county sides, and has provided grants and loans to the clubs that are affected by the Covid-19 pandemic. ” He added, “The pandemic has ruined everything, we will proceed to work with the counties to ensure we get through this. “
